Future Plans

We will be continuosly building our platform and with the platform we will create a bunch of functionality for the AdaWaifus NFTs.

There will be no more than 4000 AdaWaifus NFTs. The NFTs will be distributed in small Seasons of 1000 NFTs.

The upcoming NFT sales are scheduled below:

  • Season 2 launched succesfully in july 2022

  • Season 3 launch will be in Q1 2023

  • Season 4 launch will be in Q2 2024

The first module of animesector will be released as a stand alone app under the name and domain anime.chat until the end of the year, after a beta test. Adawaifu holders participating in the anime.chat beta test will be rewarded with the AdaWaifu Token. After the launch of anime.chat the next module will be the anime wiki followed by more modules that will each increase the functionality of the AdaWaifu NFTs.

Last updated